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violent prisoner that terrified other inmates

  A man who will be one of the most notorious and feared inmates in the USA is sitting in his cell at Arizona State Prison, Florence. He gets out of bed and moves his steps from one side of the cell to the other, looking at a picture of his sister on the wall, occasionally struck by feelings of self-loathing when he sees her few worldly possessions. You are bound, you are lonely, you are lost and you are angry. All he wants is a TV to pass the hours. You will get what you want, but as an indirect result, you will kill someone cruelly. You will do so without regrets. Even the most experienced security guards will be amazed at the brutality of the killings. And it won’t be the first Robert Wayne Vickers to kill in prison. He didn't know it at the time, but his name will go down in history. At a young age, Vickers was not called a maniac, a young man with a relentless desire to harm people. Not at all. It was the prison and youth institutions that made him what he became. Do not say t...

Why is PS5 Actually So Hard to Find and Buy ?

This holiday season and beyond, there are only two words on everyone's lips when it comes to the hottest gift nearby - Playstation 5. While other video game programs like Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X and Series S attracted the right price, the arrival of PS 5 opened the world the whole game. Since the launch of the first Playstation in 1995, Sony has been a powerhouse in the world of sports, with hot games such as Borderlands 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Gotham Knights, and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales has had everyone rush to get the next piece of hardware. And what they found was empty shelves and they ran out of stock marks on all the websites. Not only is the PS5 the hottest console on the market, the hardest to find. While Sony promises that there will be no shortage of holiday season solutions, countless parents quickly find themselves wanting to get a console so their child won’t be embarrassed - or play with it while their child plays with their new doll or playet. Their options were usually to pay a ridiculous amount from a third party website, to spend all their time kissing websites hoping to pick up a console that would be sold in minutes, or just give up and hope the little one would be happy with the chemistry set instead.

So what happened? How did the Playstation 5 become one of the most difficult video game to get over the years? The case, as with many things, is the year 2020. Years ago, buying Christmas presents followed a well-rounded process - a turbulent Thanksgiving tradition known as Black Friday. In the early hours of Friday morning - or in some stores, on Thursday night as soon as families clear the rest of the turkey - supermarkets such as Walmart and Target would open their holiday shopping doors. Advertising for big discounts includes electronic items such as video game programs, will attract potential buyers - and consumers will respond strongly. Crowds of shoppers almost closed the doors to be the first to find items for sale, and many families would be laid to rest on Christmas Day the first day after Thanksgiving. The stores would ensure that they were well stocked, and families would know that there was a good chance they could just hold that precious item off the shelves. But by 2020, everything changed. The epidemic meant that overcrowding of thousands of people at Walmart and letting them fight the last box was not a good idea. So retailers have shifted their Black Friday online sales for the most part, so that things start to work in a timely manner while real stores remain closed. People can go online, wait for their item to start selling, and then quickly snatch that PS5 before it expires.

Many families thought it would be a great opportunity - after all, it would not be so many people clicking on the exact same moment, right? That's not right. Buyers usually found items sold within seconds after the first sale. Consumers will report that they have never seen a PS5 sold at all on websites, instead they immediately click the "expired" button. Who are these big buyers who seem to know exactly when the PS5 will appear and can buy them before someone else shoots? No, it's not The Flash and Quicksilver - the answer is actually a strange person with a smaller personality than that. Most of the hot stock online stocks are not purchased by people, but by programs designed to capture them as soon as they appear. These are called Retail bots, and they come in two types. Sniping bots, the older model, are tracking devices that monitor a website and send its user a warning that the second item is for sale. The user can then skip online and place the storage before anyone gets a chance. The second type of bot, however, is more advanced.

This is an all-in-one system that, once installed, can not only check that an item is on sale but can actually be purchased using the owner's credit card link. Because these bots can operate in a fraction of a second and pass the time it takes a person’s fingers to click the various buttons, no one else has a chance. But these unstoppable bots did not actually originate in the current market of people trying to buy video game systems online. They are designed to buy something completely - shoes. But not any shoes. Many shoe companies are releasing limited-edition shoes, usually with celebrity recommendations. This has led to many large lines of people looking for it, but the most successful are those who use computer solutions. Many people may have wished they had these bots to cut toilet paper by 2020. So is there a way to stop these bots? They have been a disease sometimes for years. Concerts and stage shows, with limited seats, often saw all their seats removed within minutes by bots. That has led to some markets such as the United Kingdom banning the use of bots in ticket sales, but no country has restricted their use in standard retail sales.

Some vendors offer deceptive solutions, such as prioritizing something more expensive than the actual prize. Real customers clicking on it can be given a huge discount to lower the price to normal, but bots without the ability to see that would be lucky. Some vendors monitor orders and remove most orders that appear to have been taken by a bot. But who wanted all these PS5s? Are they just enthusiastic players and parents who want to get their latest program? No. The case, unfortunately, is even angrier than that. The PS5 has been the victim of four editions of limited edition concerts and sneakers. These buyers, usually carrying the best bots, usually have no interest in the real thing. What they are interested in is how much you WANT. Gamers see blank shelves and icons sold across all websites. Junior writes a letter to Santa saying that the only thing he wants is PS5. Gaming enthusiasts and parents have a passion - and all the stock is in the hands of retailers, their only goal being to sell the systems as much as possible. Second-hand PS5s usually end up on second-hand websites where they are sold several times for a price, or auctioned off to see how much people are willing to pay. How can the price go up? The standard plan goes for $ 500, a great process for a modern video game plan. But on November 1, Scalper had already sold the program on auction sites for $ 1700.

Those prices kept looking up as the Christmas season intensified, as the guards felt that there was obviously not a very high price for players looking for their Holy Grail. While dealers were trying to break weapons, bots were difficult to move around and gamers continued to report nearby sales. But why can't Sony do more? Sales are a game of supply and demand, and the demand was extremely clear on the supply. It’s great to have people on the line trying to find your hot new thing - but it’s not so bad that most of them go around empty and unhappy - or worse, at Sony, they decide to take the Switch or Xbox instead. So why not Sony just make sure there are enough PS5s in stock so that everyone who wants one can get them in a big box nearby or in a video game store, where bots can't do their sloppy magic? The answer may be that demand is so high that the company simply cannot continue. Shortly after the console went into operation, Sony Interactive Entertainment chief executive Jim Ryan revealed a crazy figure. The Playstation 5 had the most orders in twelve hours as the Playstation 4 received over three months! It got that sales rate one hundred and eighty times faster than the previous system! With 1 million pre-orders, it can be difficult to match that level of demand at best times. And as anyone who has looked out of his window last year knows, this is not the best time.

Manufacturers have been met with all sorts of additional struggles, from delivery delays to new safety margins in factories that reduce production. While Sony has a lot of PS5s ready for launch, they may not have been ready for this big need. So why is demand so much higher than previous programs? Well, we're all stuck at home! People don’t go out to movies or to concerts, and that means they want new and exciting forms of home entertainment. Along with streaming services like Netflix, the most successful have been video game programs that offer a high-tech entertainment experience. We’ve already seen the level of demand for video games right now as Switch and the latest Animal Crossing game became the hottest thing in the world in March, and people locked up at home everywhere find the joy of building your own private island. And while the situation is not exactly the same as in March, the need is not over. But the Sonys may also have contributed to their misdeeds. Both Sony and Microsoft keep gamers glued to their computer screens awaiting the official announcement of the PS5's design and other details, creating hype. By the time they released the official artwork - a few months before it was released - the scam was still raging over whether it lived up to equality. The pre-release campaign by Sony was one of the biggest in the history of the video game, and it worked - probably very well. The fanbase was eager to move, and when the machine was finally sold, the demand went into the roof. Did Sony have enough to cover the need? Probably, but when you consider the additional features of bots and scales, they come up short. So is there any hope for a player who plays in despair? Yes, it is always good to say goodbye to your bank account and buy from a merchant, and you hope they are up to standard. But if you want to buy the program directly, you will need luck and in-house tips. If you are serious about buying online, it may be helpful to use a smartphone rather than a computer. Smartphones slow down the exit process and may save precious moments which could be the difference between PS5 and heartbreak. You can follow the accounts that monitor major websites for stock updates and take a closer look at your notifications.

Make sure you sign in and your payment details are stored before purchase time, and if possible keep the PS5 in your shopping cart even if it expires. That way it will wait for your cart when it is available, giving you one button below the click. And then I hope everything goes well - you may have at least a few seconds. But is there a better way? That depends on how much you are willing to go for it. Ask your local retailers to see if any of them are taking preorder. Follow social media accounts that track stocks of major retailers such as Best Buy, Walmart, and Target. Bots cannot click on every shelf in seconds, and you may have a better chance of finding one if you can be seen in person. But like online strategies, this can be a very short distance between success and another sad journey home empty-handed - especially since many stores divide their sales between in-and-digital purchases. He tried everything, and he came out empty-handed. Is there any hope? Yes, Sony will continue to produce as much comfort as possible, and the chances of demand will decrease in the coming months as the hype of launch launches and everyone looking for a PS5 will be able to get it sometime in 2021. there may be some benefits for people who wait a bit to get the console. Hardware and new software can sometimes be disruptive, and there will be time for designers to use those makinks before you sit down and play.

New consoles may soften heat and problems by turning on and off, and a second wave of discharge can operate smoothly. The game library will be huge, with many high-end launches that weren’t ready for the first day of availability. Critics of the game will have time to rate, and you will have a better chance of picking and choosing games that suit your tastes. There may be price reductions for console and games at a time when they are readily available. Maybe it's time to take a break, play Animal Crossing, and then forget about the mad rush to get a Playstation 5. Or maybe it's the last time to update that Best Buy shopping site. It will appear to appear any moment now. While you wait, why not check out “Why Games for $ 60? Why Is The Price Of Video Games Not Changed? ”For more on video game economy, or try this video instead.


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