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violent prisoner that terrified other inmates

  A man who will be one of the most notorious and feared inmates in the USA is sitting in his cell at Arizona State Prison, Florence. He gets out of bed and moves his steps from one side of the cell to the other, looking at a picture of his sister on the wall, occasionally struck by feelings of self-loathing when he sees her few worldly possessions. You are bound, you are lonely, you are lost and you are angry. All he wants is a TV to pass the hours. You will get what you want, but as an indirect result, you will kill someone cruelly. You will do so without regrets. Even the most experienced security guards will be amazed at the brutality of the killings. And it won’t be the first Robert Wayne Vickers to kill in prison. He didn't know it at the time, but his name will go down in history. At a young age, Vickers was not called a maniac, a young man with a relentless desire to harm people. Not at all. It was the prison and youth institutions that made him what he became. Do not say t...

Common Myths That Are Still Believed to be Facts

Most myths have a true or commonsense drawing in them. As it sounds like it should be true, few people think about questioning or verifying the accuracy of this myth. 

Here are 10 common myths that have been mistaken. Good day at the beach. This is until your friend starts to clash and shout. They are bitten by jellyfish. 

He helps them out of the water. As they lie on the sand trying not to cry because of the pain, stand on top of them and tear down your board shorts… .Stop right there. 

We put an end to this superstition. 

10. Urinating in jellyfish sting stops the smell. Peeing on jellyfish sting does not stop biting. In fact, urine can worsen the symptoms by increasing the stinging cells of jellyfish left behind in the victim's skin and causing them to reduce further toxicity. Cleaning the sting area with vinegar will greatly reduce the pain. Then use a tweezers to remove any strings. Then the sting area should be soaked in hot water. If there is no active vinegar, cleaning the jellyfishsting with seawater is better than nothing, but stay away from using urine. Our next story is not scientifically possible, but you may have heard it from your mother or grandmother. 


9. Don't go out with wet hair, you will catch a cold. It's just not true; colds are caused by germs, which are transmitted through the germs that cause the virus and often spread body fluids. Sick people sneeze, cough and spit airborne droplets and may end up on the floor. Touching areas full of germs that cause the virus, and then touching your mouth, or the nose transmits the virus to your system. We haven't decided to go out to the cold with wet hair yet. Not only is it uncomfortable, it is actually bad for your hair. Hair becomes more fragile when wet and cold weather can increase hair loss. Water molecules entering the shaft shaft will expand as they freeze, which can cause hair to become stiff and brittle. Cold water molecules also promote cuticleand leaving hair exposed to natural damage. Some of us have tried the number of 8 myths equally and are pleased that it may actually work. 

8. A denarius falling on a large stage can kill a person below. Many different groups have experimented with this myth; it's just not true. Pennies and in fact all coins do not fluctuate and fall as they fall. The flat surface of the coin is parallel to the wind that pushes it up, which sets the speed at speed. Pennies fall to the ground at about 25 mph. Punishment is drawn from large buildings like the sloping stone thrown carelessly. The most common thing that can actually be dangerous is to drop off a large building with a metal ball pen and a piece of shirt. The clip acts as an arrow access and keeps the pen pointing down. Aerodynamics of the pen can cause it to accelerate to about 190 mph. When the pen hits, it hits into a small area of ​​high pressure. It may have pierced a hole in the human head. Myth 7 seems to be true only because of the physical discomfort that can occur if you do not listen to the myth. 

7. Wait at least 30 minutes before swimming after meals. It is said that after a meal, the blood diverted to your digestive tract stealing the blood needed to keep your arms and legs pumping during swimming, making you more likely to drown. Your body donates a lot of blood to your digestive system after a meal to process food, but it is not enough blood that can prevent your arms and legs from working properly. So, no you don't have to wait before you go swimming. However, it is possible to get cramps, especially if you are swimming when you are very full. Our next story is very true, but not because of what people think. 

6. Wolves change color to hide and hide from predators. Most cats are born with skin that mimics the colors and details of their environment, so they have a habit of meeting. Chameleons actually change colors, but generally maintain a comfortable body temperature as they cannot heat their body. So the cold caterpillar can be dark to absorb more heat. Extremely hot caterpillars can turn and listen to them to better reflect the sun's rays. Wolves also change color to communicate with other anacondas. Men can stand out to show their dominance. To show ownership of the field or while fighting for a partner, peer pressure may be black. Women can inform men that they are ready to mate by changing their color. Some pet owners learn to read their carpet's feelings depending on the color of its skin. However, videos or pictures showing the colors changing chameleons as they meet different areas or changing colors to match the pattern as the chess board is a lie. We are not sure how our next story got started, but fish are much smarter than people think they are. 

5. Fish, especially goldfish have only 3 second memory. Of course, the goldfish look bored swimming in a small bowl! Would you? Studies by scientists show that goldfish and other fish have memories that last longer than 3 seconds - they have 5-month memories During one study, scientists spent a month training small fish in captivity to combine specific sounds with meal time. After that the fish were released from the wild. About five months later, the scientist played a sound game and the now grown fish came looking for food, remembering the noise. Some experiments have been performed with traininggoldfish to complete obstacle courses or to associate a particular color with food. A bonus story about a goldfish. - Goldfish can be stored in containers. In fact, no fish should be kept in a small container except for filtration or ventilation. By doing so, you are shortening the life span of the fish and the size of the fish. When it is healthy and well watered and has space, the goldfish do not stop growing. That is why in the wild, the common goldfishis can grow up to 10 pounds (453 grams). We were very disappointed to find that our next myth was not true because an animal that could shoot bricks in its stomach would be horrible. 5. Locusts can shoot their stems long distances. Sadly this myth is an exaggeration of the power of electricity. The North American stork has about 30,000 stems, each adorned with between 700 and 800 barbs along the four-millimeter (.16inches) near its tip. These barbs help the stems stay attached to the victim's skin. However, the cobs are not shot, the victimmust meets the caterpillar to extract the stems. As the lumps come out easily and the barbshelp sticks to your flesh, it is still difficult for you to stay close to the chicken. We are glad to find that myth number 4 is not true.

4. swallowing 8-10 spiders a year while they sleep. While you may eat a spider while sleeping - especially if you sleep with your mouth open, it is impossible. Spiders don't care about humans. When they go around the web and stay in your home, it’s not that they crave the company of people. In North America there are 3 or 4 species of spiders that are more likely to invade your home and do so because they have found a safe environment that they feel has great potential to catch prey. When spiders search or hunt for food, they are unlikely to crawl into bed with humans. An important part of spider details is vibration. People get a lot out of them while they sleep with heart rate and breathing. Spiders are more interested in avoiding a large vibrating lump than in a test. When you lie down with your mouth open, you incorporate a sniff that gives the spider another reason to avoid it. Finally, if something crawls on your face, you are more likely to feel it and wake up before it reaches your mouth. Many crime drama TV shows deal with our next story. It is often used as an amazing device, but it is wrong.

3. You must wait at least 24 hours before submitting a missing person report. You do not have to wait 24 hours to receive a missing person's report. In fact, there is never a time when a person should wait before reporting a missing person. Promptly inform the police better. Taking action within the first 48 hours is necessary to find and bring the missing person home safely. Speaking of the police, Myth 2 is an impossibility, but it is probably based on the fact that the police are seen as heroes and should follow a certain code of conduct as they enforce the law.

2. In the US, undercover police have to identify themselves as police if you ask. Certainly a lie. The secret of a police officer is to gather information to build a case against a person or organization for criminal conduct. This process involves many resources - finances, staff, surveillance. There is no way that a secret police officer will tell you that he is a police officer if that would endanger the profession. Planned lying is actually separated from concealment. Sometimes an undercover detective is doing something illegal to strengthen his or her identity and prove that he or she is not really a police officer. A secret police officer who engages in illegal activities or who encourages you to commit an illegal act is not considered a criminal. Arrests only occur when a police officer finds a person committing a crime that he or she did not intend to commit or would not normally commit. For example if a secret police officer commits a non-violent crime with a record of shoplifting to assist with armed robbery. Otherwise the secret police are free to lie about whether they are police or anything else. Our final story highlights a problem that almost everyone in the world has faced in some way.

1. The second second rule. - It is safe to eat food that has been low for 5 seconds or less. Obviously, this myth depends on what and where it is. If you toss a cheese sauce covered with freshly bought nachosyou under a good store, it’s best to let them go. But what if you put a cookie in your kitchen regularly cleaned, is the second rule 5 true? If you choose to snatch a cookie and eat it, you are in good shape. In a survey of 2,000 people, 79% or 1400 admitted to eating food that had fallen on the floor. In fact, we will call this belief incompatible. There has been a lot of experimentation done to find out how true this myth is. In addition to the smoothness of the reduced food item, how dirty the floor is and how long the meal time is still, the type of floor surprisingly had a major impact on how polluted the food delivered was. Investigators found that carpet has a lower transfer rate while ceramic, wood and stainless steel tiles have higher transfer rates. But no matter how quickly you snatch it, if any food comes in contact with the surface, it will pick up some kind of bacteria. You are sure to destroy any visible dust, but unfortunately, it is not possible to clean up reduced food. This happens even if the floor is clean. No matter how clean the floor is, it is still contaminated. Chances are that the cookie on the floor will not discourage you, or make you sick, but you are playing Russian roulette by eating certain viruses. And now that you've reached the end of our video, why not keep the watch party going ?! It is a myth that we use only 10% of our brains. We actually use 100%, but different areas are working at different times. What would you say if you used 100% of your brain at the same time? Click here to find out: Check out Insane, interesting and funny secondfactes you may not know.


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